There are few better illustrations of the increasingly disturbing divide between rich and poor than New York City.
Nothing could be a better illustration of the value of teaching a mathematical way of thinking.
Perhaps that would have been a better illustration to begin with.
Rarely has there been a better illustration of the truism that "the best can be the enemy of the good."
Few better illustrations of this type of forms are to be found than that presented in the district of the Great Lakes.
Perhaps no case provides a better illustration than Texaco's investigation of people who filed claims after a 1992 refinery fire in California.
It's hard to see a better illustration of the Dip.
At the end of the 18th century, lithography allowed even better illustrations to be reproduced.
What better illustration of why Amazon reviews are not to be trusted?
What better illustration could there be of the fact that, despite of their differences of opinion, they are, above all, accomplices?