The grants are intended to help the magazines and presses strengthen their audiences through better marketing.
Thanks in part to better marketing, sales increased to 41,289 units in 2005, an all-time high.
He says that with better marketing, the firm would increase sales of Landsat data abroad, launching new satellites when necessary.
This can lead to better marketing of your products or services by focusing on:
In the past they argued that American imports benefited from better marketing and distribution.
Well, you can't have any better marketing than what just went on in the last 10 weeks.
Some of the growth has also, however, been a result of better marketing.
He credits better marketing, strong shows, improved efforts to attract new audiences and a general growth in live theater.
Another way to enable European fisheries to survive would be through better marketing.
We are confident that if the right products and better marketing were in place then cash bribes for landlords would hardly be required at all.