They also say they are trying to provide better measurements of niche audiences.
Nigeria doesn't need donor money, but it could use better measurement, accountability and visibility - all things that donors are able to support.
Maybe if we start to rely on better measurements of potential then A-levels, we'll be able to sort the best from the rest.
"You'd probably get a better measurement by counting how many seconds it took before you heard me hit the bottom."
From better measurements, we now think it to be at least five times that.
"You'd be hard pressed to find a better measurement for a heart than his," Fox said.
If the particle is not able to squiggle around as much, scientists could get better measurements of its quantum characteristics.
An industry group, I3A, (worth checking out), is working to come up with better measurements to rectify this situation.
"The better measurement is how close you can throw it," he said.
Computer-adaptive testing allows better measurement in less time, using fewer questions than traditional multiple-choice tests.