Whereas Servius is a sincere man, a patrician, and a better orator than Cicero when the subject's not politics or perfidy.
A. The politicians back then were better orators.
He's a better orator than a surgeon.
Macleod was a far better orator, and Banting came to believe that he wanted to take all the credit.
Chris Carey, a professor of Greek in UCL, concludes that Demosthenes was a better orator and political operator than strategist.
It was no accident that the Little Giant was a better orator than me.
He is, after all, still a better orator than Newt Gingrich, and once, not long ago, he had a better message.
Their skills complemented each other; Stanton, the better orator and writer, scripted many of Anthony's speeches, while Anthony was the movement's organizer and tactician.
Kerry is clearly a better orator and thus won each debate hands down from a forensics perspective.
He added that Mr Kinnock would have been the better orator, but that he would have won on detail and facts.