The governor squarely challenged the notion that Mr. Gore would be a better protector of the environment by criticizing aspects of the Clinton administration's environmental record and extolling elements of his own.
I think Par and Coil Ohmsford could ask for no better protector.
In the latter, she appears in one scene in which she enlarges Toto to make him a better protector for Dorothy.
Second-generation screen protectors on the other hand, although more expensive, offer better long-term protection and are generally made specifically for each individual device, providing the user with a better fitting protector.
"I've a better protector."
Are you upset that Kallandras was a better protector than you'll ever be?
I couldn't have a better protector than Samir."
A better protector would contain at least three varistors; one across each of the three pairs of conductors (hot-neutral, hot-ground, neutral-ground).
A better protector in Sha'angh'sei you could not find.
I was convinced that Mercury was a better protector than Saturn and I envied Georgette's luck.