The very announcement that a larger or better-known company is working on a competing product may damp interest in the smaller upstart.
Alliant will have sales of about $2.1 billion this year, compared with $10 billion and up for those larger, better-known companies.
Some were better-known companies, like SportsLine .
Of the nationwide car-rental chains, Tempest ( offers the same fleet as the bigger, better-known international companies but is consistently cheaper.
Its business consists of trying to sell its name back to the other Starbucks - the better-known company from Seattle.
Until such information is mandated by law, experts say, consumers worried about recalls may want to stick with products of better-known companies.
She estimated that about 30 percent of the revenue and earnings for these generally larger and better-known companies came from abroad.
Why, when he has become an international star with offers to dance at larger, better-known companies, does he remain with the Donetsk Ballet?
All-Tech, with 22 offices where traders furiously buy and sell stocks many times during the day, is one of the better-known day-trading companies.
While many of the better-known companies have always had the occasional foreign order come in, the volume of that business until recently did not warrant special marketing efforts.