It could continue next month at summit preparation talks between Secretary of State Baker and Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze.
It also helped bring about a brief but cordial meeting last week between Secretary of State Colin Powell and North Korea's foreign minister.
Three days of talks between Secretary of State Warren Christopher and China's leaders ended today with only token gestures by Beijing on human rights.
This scenario was complicated by the rivalry between Secretary of State Rogers and NSC boss Kissinger.
Chile's thwarted plans did not even come up at a meeting today between Mr. Guzman and Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen.
The announcement followed a meeting between Secretary of State James Baker and Chile's Foreign Minister.
MD 14 between Secretary and East New Market was constructed in 1926 and 1927.
A meeting between Secretary of State James Baker and Russian president Boris Yeltsin was arranged immediately.
Page 1 Progress was reported in arms talks between Secretary of State George P.
He was speaking after a meeting today between Secretary of State Warren Christopher and Slobodan Milosevic, Serbia's President.