By 1860 the line was between Worms and Ludwigshafen am Rhein was duplicated.
Hahnheim lies between Mainz and Worms on the river Selz.
One Regional Express operates each way between Frankfurt and Worms at night.
Initially there were 6 passenger trains daily (2 of which were expresses) in each direction between Mainz and Worms.
The municipality lies in Rhenish Hesse between Worms and Mainz.
The part between Mainz and Worms is closed to transit truck traffic.
Between Monsheim and Worms there is a service about every half hour.
The municipality lies between Mainz and Worms and is an agriculturally oriented community.
The municipality lies between Mainz and Worms and is a place characterized by agriculture.
The effect was to reduce the river's length between Basel and Worms from 355 km to 275 km (220 to 170 miles).