To strengthen trust and solidarity between young political activists.
Their corporate campaigning strategies have prompted a number of academic case studies reflecting on the relationship between activists and businesses.
"If the plans go ahead, it will be carried out responsibly, so that confrontations between activists, like those described by the police, do not occur."
A scuffle also broke out between activists and state security agents at the funeral itself.
Although the company has never taken a position between "pro-choice" and "pro-life" activists, we have had to endure attacks from both groups.
The internet has expanded the power of the human rights movement by improving communication between activists in different physical locations.
There were scuffles between pro- and anti-Mubarak activists outside the courtroom again.
There were reports throughout October of shooting incidents between security forces and Islamic activists.
Police have arrested 15 people after violence between far-right activists and local youths outside a mosque in east London.
This direct interaction between activists and decision makers rarely happens.