Several detection methods blur the image, hence causing a greater degree of similarity between objects and background.
These make the space between the garden and background seem to disappear, producing a continuity which makes the landscape blend in visual harmony.
There are systematic connections between social background and lack of training - it is a class question where something is needed to be done.
The scenes then alternate between the stage, red rooms and yellow background.
So too, both pictures merge the model with the environment, blurring the distinction between background and foreground.
There are often barriers between foreground, middle ground and background.
They also point out that similarity between background of members (most of them coming from middle class) further encouraged democratic decision making processes.
In addition, the contrast between stimuli and background can significantly affect the type of behavior.
The study has spawned many inquiries into the relationship between background and achievement.
Night Portrait: Use this to achieve a balance between the foreground and background.