In Western tonal music, one also finds chord progressions between chords whose roots are related by perfect fifth.
It doesn't teach how songs are constructed, the difference between major, minor and seventh chords, etc etc.
Maybe the biggest thing he put into me was the idea that a major part of music exists in the space between notes and chords.
Similarities between chords can also be observed as well as the significance of augmented/diminished notes.
Music theorists have often used graphs, tilings, and geometrical spaces to represent the relationship between chords.
The depth of a truss, or the height between the upper and lower chords, is what makes it an efficient structural form.
For this reason, the circle of fifths can often be used to represent "harmonic distance" between chords.
They argued that transient chords and events are less significant than movement between certain crucial underlying chords.
Concerning norms for the progression of chords in time the third aspect focuses on the relationship between chords.
"All this talk about lifetime achievement awards," he muttered between chords.