He attempts to relate the historical Argentina with modern Argentina, setting parallels between past and modern events or circumstances.
While there is clearly no automatic causal connection between social, economic and political circumstances and the art that arises from those circumstances, they are clearly not totally unrelated, either.
At the outset, however, installation improvisers like Mr. Kaprow and his contemporaries tended to blur the distinctions between given circumstances and manipulated effects.
Yet they cannot resist drawing parallels between the pre-Depression era and present circumstances.
A strong association was found between low self-esteem and current adverse circumstances with both relating to an increased risk of developing clinical depression in the following year.
There is also an untold link between The Naked Goddess and circumstances leading to my first meeting Ray in Chicago of 1947.
It is in their mutability between circumstances that give the terms such rhetorical power.
Szabó would be one of the crown witness' but before the trial he died between suspicious circumstances.
The similarity of the stories is coincidental - but it does indicate the way many local inhabitants built links between buildings, people and unlikely circumstances.
Miller's history was further deepened by his emphasis on development: he sees history as proceeding in a continuing series of interactions between traditional cultural forms and immediate environmental circumstances.