It organizes annual conferences and is a platform for exchanging ideas between political consultants.
Unlike Dr. House, no one wants to take on challenging cases, so they are tossed back and forth between consultants.
Of particular importance is the emphasis on analyzing the transference dynamics between consultants and organizational members.
A.T.&T.'s rivals score a few points in the resulting war of words between distinguished economic consultants.
Here I was on the production line, as the kind of fodder passing along between doctors and consultants.
Collaboration between the artist, architectural team, and consultants proved to be crucial to the success of the project.
Examination of variations in case-mix between hospitals, specialities and/or consultants.
Marinker et al have recommended the development of protocols for referral between general practitioners and consultants.
"We do support people who keep a good balance between public engineers and private consultants," Mr. Kinley said.
Strong relationships can increase trust between consultants and clients, leading to more effective interventions.