Something has poked a hole through her right arm between elbow and shoulder.
Those receiving the drug spray it on the inside of their forearm between the wrist and elbow.
Moss stepped on an arm that stopped abruptly, halfway between elbow and wrist.
The left arm, between wrist and elbow, was twisted at an impossible angle.
Between his right shoulder and right elbow there was nothing but a dark red smile with ragged white edges.
In summer the mosquitoes were so numerous that hundreds would settle between elbow and wrist, all biting at the same time.
When taken off, the hat was often held above the forearm, between hand and elbow, or worn as a muff.
He came away from that one with a five-inch gash running between the wrist and elbow of his left arm.
The line between your shoulder and elbow should be vertical.
His right arm was a bloody mess between the shoulder and elbow.