Creating the impression of a battle between "hawks" and "doves" within the Kremlin is a common Soviet ploy.
By trying to split the difference between interventionist hawks and multilateralist doves, the Administration has managed to alienate both.
The book suggests that the President's inner circle was divided between hawks and doves.
It would, again, have been the ideal weapon if the shooting had been an attempt to make trouble between hawks and doves within the Provisionals.
The distinction between hawks and doves still has relevance, it seems to me.
As new weapons and delivery systems were planned and developed, the policy differences between doves and hawks widened.
True, the debate within the Bush team over policy toward the Soviet Union has never been a public brawl between hawks and doves.
Pragmatic Peace: Public policy has often been polarized between "hawks" and "doves", with each side dismissing the other's motives and methods.
The Iraq debate is not between hawks and doves, but between ideologues and realists.
In later interviews, the authors probed the more vital division between hawks and doves on ExComm.