Many supporters of the change say the important distinction is between public and private imagery.
The dialogue between the industrial towers and cultural imagery pretty well defines the piece.
The line between maps and actual imagery grows increasingly blurry.
Further, there was enough correspondence between imagery and perception to allow discrimination of individual imagined objects based on the response during perception.
NOTE: Keep an eye on the connection between sexual and religious imagery and symbolism.
There is a strong connection between religious imagery and human sexual love in medieval writings.
The historical link between dehumanizing and emasculating imagery and extreme violence could not be clearer.
As for viewing data, perhaps it could be used for swiping between medical imagery, but doubtful.
Some draw parallels between certain imagery in Kiarostami's films with that of Sufi concepts.
This tension between sophisticated imagery and brusque electric guitar clatter is a key element in the Chills' chemistry.