A new study that tracked 2,259 students as they moved through middle school found strong links between sleep patterns and moods.
Dr. Salovey's advice is based on several studies he has conducted that have shown a direct connection between moods and personal health.
She alternated between moods of fitful exuberance and collapse.
This distinction has been used to study the relationship between moods and personal goals.
The relations between tenses and moods are shown in the following table.
Studies have reported a link between low selenium and poorer moods.
Songs shift between moods in a heartbeat, pulling the carpet out from under you.
First, though emotions retrieve past information, one cannot decipher between positive and negative moods in this particular approach.
Back and forth he goes, between tunes and moods; no composer has gone farther.
Her new medication helps to keep her from constantly alternating between extreme moods.