An illuminating example of the connections between game-theoretic notions and topological properties is the Sierpiński game.
But the case highlights the sharp contrast between German and American notions of competition, at least when it comes to stores.
But those who know of Professor Feldman's background say he may be able to build a bridge between American notions of democracy and Islamic traditions.
The litigation over Agent Orange opened another eerie chasm between legal and scientific notions of causation.
It is concerned with the relationship between notions such as body, soul and spirit which together form a person, based on their descriptions in the Bible.
Much of the discussion surrounds Butler's inability to differentiate clearly between notions of performativity and performance, even when pressed to define a clear division.
In a dual way, similar relationship exists between notions of greatest fixed point and terminal F-coalgebra, with applications to coinductive types.
For the moment, a distinction should be drawn between outdated notions of progress and modern attempts to trace and extend the organic evolution of jazz.
He "was an important link between classical theories of the caliphate, such as al-Mawardi's, and 20th-century notions of the Islamic state".
Immigration detention is controversial because it presents a clash between traditional notions of individual liberty and the territorial sovereignty of States.