They say the difference between the company's last offer and what they are asking for amounts to only $3 million a year over a four-year contract.
The figure, arrived at by negotiation, is $25,000 above the midway point between the outfielder's $3.1 million arbitration request and the team's $2.15 million offer.
The dollar amount between their offer and mine are close enough to where we can reach an agreement.
In the modern age of player salaries, the $225,000 difference between the Mets' final offer and what Huskey was seeking might not seem like much.
There is a lot of room between Mr. Silverstein's demand for $7 billion and the insurance companies' offer of $3.5 billion.
Little had changed between the Government's offer a few days earlier, except that the fine was reduced by $50 million and some word changes were adopted.
Sun Chief offered to split the difference between the government's offer and the Pawnee demand.
The final contract fell between Meggett's last demand and the Giants' last offer.
Still, Mr. Spitzer said yesterday, there is a substantial gap between the city's offer and the appraisal.
Thome was deciding between that and the Indians' offer, which was said to be for five years and $60 million.