There is a difference between the rate of returns for boys and girls.
By early last week the spread between rates was down to 3.3 percentage points, a huge move.
The only way to know the difference between the standard rate and actual expenses is to run the numbers.
But the link between rates and share prices was broken in 1997.
In fact, the spread between American and foreign rates still appears to be widening.
The measure was taken to narrow the gap between short and long-term rates.
In such a situation, contrary to the government's intention, there may be a positive relationship between the rate of interest and the money supply.
Such a move would create a big additional expense, if the spread between short- and long-term rates remains.
Thus, there is also an inverse relationship between the rate of inflation and the real demand for money.
I recently came across some research that points to a correlation between rates of autism and immigration.