Pigeons demonstrate discrimination between variations in magnetic fields, while humans do not.
The 6 least-significant bits of the key are control bits, used to choose between several possible variations.
Around 1900, researchers began to explore connections between solar variations and weather on Earth.
The potential problem with this approach could be a lack of variety between variations.
It is necessary to note the difference between articulation disorders and dialectical variations.
While the basic rules are more or less the same throughout mahjong, the greatest divergence between variations lies in the scoring systems.
Many today use these different words for the same object interchangeably, or to distinguish between variations of an object.
This gives a client a chance to choose between variations and allows them to be included in the creative process.
In 1953, he discovered a connection between solar variations and planetary climate.
Extensive field experience is required to distinguish between certain plumage variations.