Geraldine could see that they were all still struggling with the terrifying and bewildering change in their circumstances.
And setting the time ahead wouldn't explain all the bewildering changes.
And then with a bewildering change of emotional reaction, he saw that her eyes were filled with tears.
There was also the bewildering change of advice on how to lay babies down for a nap.
This was a time of bewildering changes to the Dutch system of provinces.
But in an era of bewildering technological change, the new existential question is how to bring jobs back.
Public anxiety about immigration, he understood, is a proxy for a more general fear of relentless upheaval and bewildering change.
At this time, when world affairs are in bewildering change, the significance of the Supercollider decision cannot be overestimated.
The bewildering changes threatened to overwhelm her again.
The man nodded, not at all happy with this bewildering change in his antagonist.