In 2003, something broke in the city's jail system, and inmates slipped through a bewildering series of cracks.
But then Flower performs a bewildering series of transformations.
The Rondo blusters uncharacteristically, although it is fascinating for its bewildering series of key changes.
This part of the palace was a bewildering series of walls and small rooms, not well lighted, with no windows.
At the same time, the batteries were ordered according to seniority, the first of a bewildering series of battery redesignations.
The meeting opened in fine form with the American Chairman outlining a bewildering series of statistics about some abstract point of milk production.
Since then he'd been spinning the data down through a bewildering series of customized algorithms.
He skillfully puts into order a bewildering series of events and leads the reader, painstakingly, through the political complexities of the time.
Business rivalries overlaid all this, with families pitted against each other in a bewildering series of shifting alliances.
A bewildering series of mergers and regulatory actions in the telecommunications industry in the past two weeks could ultimately improve telephone service to consumers.