The town of Chinchilla in Queensland, Australia, holds a biannual festival celebrating all things melon.
But that hasn't deterred P.S. 122, which this Sunday is offering a new component of Avant-Garde-Arama, its biannual festival: Avant-Garde-Arama for the Whole Family.
Lighting Festival, biannual festival.
Originally conceived as a biannual festival, the Gran Paradiso Film Festival is one of the earliest nature film festival to be created in Italy.
The Berlin Documentary Forum (BDF) is a biannual festival conceived to engage with the 'documentary' across a variety of disciplines.
Various other holy sites are found around the mountain, mostly rock formations, while the monastery is the site of a biannual festival.
In addition to a biannual festival, KAFI sponsors events such as film screenings and workshops throughout the year.
SPILL, which began life in 2007, is a biannual festival that celebrates emerging artists and takes place at various locations around London.
The statue is taken around in a procession during a Sunday in June, after the biannual nine-day festival.
In the summer of 2004, Team Dresch reunited for a concert at the biannual Homo-A-Go-Go festival.