A rather different view is given by Stiglitz (1985): "There are systematic biases associated with each of the control mechanisms.,(p. 146).
A revised version with 17 items was developed to eliminate bias associated with age and gender differences.
"There was no bias associated with this," Captain Gillespie said of a possible racial or ethnic motive.
Creel surveys, trip reports, and other data obtained directly from fishermen can have some dependent bias associated with it.
"There's a lot of bias associated with census questions," he adds.
Trait ascription and the cognitive bias associated with it have been a topic of active research for more than three decades.
The book delineates cognitive biases associated with each type of thinking, starting with Kahneman's own research on loss aversion.
This prevents bias associated with restriction site sequences that will be missing from some genes, as is seen in SAGE.
This yields a population-based sample of cases, eliminating the bias associated with clinic-based samples.
They note the tensions between experience and logic, the biases associated with reasoning, and the importance of context.