This would be a new form of that influence "from afar" which has perhaps always been characteristic of biblical religion.
Was this a vindication for biblical religion, a repudiation of the theories of continuous creation that had held sway in science for most of the 20th century and seemed incompatible with the dramatic actions in Genesis?
Humanist principles cannot be fairly be reconciled with Christian ones-they are "radically at war with biblical religion."
He focused on the phenomenology of biblical religion and law, the theory and practice of interpreting biblical texts, and the role of the Bible in Jewish thought.
It appears that there are limits to the liberalization of biblical religion.
She will also soon publish Examining Your Childhood Religion, a comparison of biblical religions with the Bible, and identification of their dissonance with the modern world.
She comments that a postbiblical (sic)feminist stance 'too quickly concedes that women have no authentic history within biblical religion'.
Schüssler Fiorenza however wants to suggest (as at times Trible does also) that we have in any case to live within - and thus also we need to try to redeem - the trajectory of biblical religion.
(One may think this no more to be the case than Schüssler Fiorenza's proposition that we cannot but live within the trajectory of biblical religion.)
Scientology does not warrant that their members must exclusively believe in Scientology, distinguishing it from biblical religions.