For all data the bibliographic source is listed.
An ongoing effort is verification of publication contents and secondary bibliographic sources against the database with the goals being data accuracy and to improve the coverage of speculative fiction to 100%.
The bibliometric studies involved the use of published and online bibliographic sources covering the literature published to the end of 1987.
After the war, concern over the decline in thesis use led Tate in 1953 to propose that abstracts of theses, and other means of locating published dissertations, should be made available from a central bibliographic source.
What they failed to consider, however, was that their source bibliographic data was gathered as reportage from correspondents, rather than as objective data files from established, reputable bibliographic sources.
A description of frequently used S-parameter conversions for determination of the frequency-dependent ε of dielectrics can be found in this bibliographic source.
The main bibliographic sources are footnoted from this paragraph and provided much of the information in the following sections.
Safe House of noble birth or notable, given the traditional bibliographic sources preserved in the archives of Araldis that prove that the family C. has left traces of itself in time.
Neinhuis and M.S.S. Simmonds 2009 Local Uses of Aristolochia species and content of Aristolochic Acid 1 and 2 - a global assessment based on bibliographic sources.
This series is listed in Tuck's Encyclopedia, but he gives no examples in his index and there are none cited in other bibliographic sources.