Notable figures who had day jobs include the Wright brothers, who held full-time employment as bicycle repairmen while they experimented on powered flights.
These days, Mr. Fiore, a bicycle repairman, spends much of his time in Central Park.
For example, when was the last time that any major American city announced that it would set aside housing for cash-strapped bicycle repairmen?
Unlike many artists, they are not introverted, antisocial and mopey; I personally would love to live in a neighborhood filled with aspiring bicycle repairmen.
Their records demonstrate only that these onetime bicycle repairmen were thrifty, recording every nickel out.
He was a handyman, tinkerer, and bicycle repairman who designed and built his own flying machine.
For the first time, a car with bicycle repairmen drove behind the riders, to give assistance in solving mechanical problems on bicycles.
His father was a bicycle repairman.
If we keep the bicycle repairman affordable, this will promote cycling.
He was a very good bicycle repairman.