A spokesman for Tyson said that the company would have no comment on why it let its hostile bid expire.
Campeau's revised bid expires March 15, but if Macy can prevail in court, it would gain more fighting time.
G.E., whose bid will expire April 1, has said the lawsuit is "utterly without merit."
That is when the latest bid, a $201-a-share offer by a labor group, will expire.
The U.S. Federal Reserve withheld its approval and bid expired.
The bid, which has been expected to succeed, expires on Sept. 28.
The $63-a-share bid for the Norwalk, Conn., paper products company will expire on Feb. 21.
Analysts said Shamrock probably would wait until after the bid by the Pickens group expires.
The previous bid expired on Friday.
Minorco's bid, begun in September, expires next Wednesday.