If the bid gets through, the Lloyds offer will be higher and have some cash included.
One more bid over that and you get a pretty good deal.
If a player "makes" his or her bid, s/he gets 10 points times the number of tricks bid, plus one point for each additional trick.
That may also help the bid get approval from regulators, which were likely to scrutinize the deal because of Televisa's involvement.
The high bid will also get the complete specifications, blueprints, and all data on the principle.
My bid to get a body like Sienna Miller 4.
Asked how many bids Fleury might get, Baizley said, "I have no idea."
Once the bidding comes back around to the dealer, the highest bid gets to call the suit.
The lowest bid gets it?
Greenspan's unexpected one no-trump bid did not get him into trouble, although he did become the declarer in spades.