A 1988 law permitting an exemption to the bidding rules for recycled products prepared the way for the price to come down, she said.
The board took that step because it expected to change the bidding rules and also feared a shortage of bidders.
But the same behavior kept on showing up in other simulations with different bidding rules.
The anti-trapping groups said they believed the state has made changes to its bidding rules in direct response to their efforts to win the bids.
The Mayor canceled two contracts after it was reported that officials had broken municipal bidding rules.
Without checking, the agency exempted the project from competitive bidding rules.
Cablevision's suit claims that the Jets' offer violated the bidding rules established by the authority.
The Giuliani administration later suspended the city's formal bidding rules and awarded each of the four companies a $250 million contract.
Raising the bid means either increasing the quantity, or the face value, or both, according to the specific bidding rules used.
The committee responded by expelling 10 members and rewriting its bidding rules.