Even in the West some folks set store by a name, and whenever the judge said his name it was like ringing a big gong.
Finally he rushed to his big gong and made it clatter like a fire alarm.
My companion leaned over and said, "This is when you need a big gong."
And then when the content group makes a sale, they hit this big Chinese gong.
Ring sidled back to his chair and watched the door while he listened to the strokes of the big gong.
At every hour, the clock hammered its message with a big gong.
We made a ceremony out of it, with fire in the braziers, and the big gong.
My head feels like a big gong.
He had a big gong and would bang it for each point the Colts scored.
"Peking duck was such a big deal that I remember every time one came out of the kitchen, we hit a big gong."