In 2005 she got big air and scored a 25.
In 2007 she got more big air and scored a 24.
"Nobody had ever seen someone get big air on a pogo stick," he said.
With his smooth style and big airs, he is considered by many to be one of the world's best riders.
"I'm just trying to get big air and do all kinds of grabs off the launch ramp," he said.
Oh there was yeah, a big open air one.
He has placed seven times among the top ten so far, in halfpipe and big air.
It is about the clothing, the music, the pursuit of big air and the outrageous attempt at a new trick.
During the big air he became the first ever person to land a switch backside 12 in competition.
It is probably most well known for its big air and fast Cyclones.