When the company collapsed in 2002, it was not only the biggest bankruptcy, but one of the largest accounting frauds as well.
This is Russia's first big industrial bankruptcy, so much of the process is uncharted territory.
In the choreographed world of Japanese business, however, there is always more to a big bankruptcy than adverse market forces.
The county's risky plan, which also included heavy borrowing, led to the biggest municipal bankruptcy ever.
Soon after, Enron became the biggest corporate bankruptcy ever.
Chiyoda's failure, with nearly $27 billion in liabilities, made it Japan's biggest postwar bankruptcy.
WorldCom collapsed in July 2002 in the biggest corporate bankruptcy.
The failure of the politically powerful energy trading company is the biggest corporate bankruptcy in the nation's history.
United Airlines files biggest bankruptcy in aviation history.
At the time, it was the biggest single bankruptcy ever allowed in China, the local officials say.