It's still very volatile this time, with a big bloc of undecided votes.
Cooperation between the world's two biggest economic blocs, on everything from terrorism to natural disasters, is clearly critical for progress.
On the one hand, his rock solid support among black voters gives him the biggest single electoral bloc of any candidate.
Some estimates put the total number of Islamic deputies at between 26 and 30, making them by far the biggest bloc in the new Parliament.
The global trade agreement is popular with businessmen who form a big bloc of the Republican Party.
But the situation changed, and today our country is no longer a member of a big, powerful bloc.
Generally big blocs are bought more discreetly, they said.
"These reservations began when the biggest bloc in Parliament chose its candidate for prime minister."
Political pollsters track trends and changes within big blocs of voters.
That would leave the council's third- world members facing a bigger military-industrial bloc, accounting for most of their aid and trade.