A little while after uncovering the "big bonanza" the price of the stock went skyward.
The IT stock boom was one big bonanza of human greed and the chickens have come home to roost.
For three years after the discovery of "big bonanza" the two mines produced $3,000,000 per month.
"Lottery money has been used in a great big bonanza on buildings," said Sir Peter.
A large Colombian oilfield, with reserves estimated at 1.5 billion barrels, may be the nation's biggest economic bonanza.
That's the best thing for civilization that ever was and the biggest bonanza there ever was.
Prohibition brought gloom to millions of Americans, but for the Bahamas it brought the biggest bonanza in history.
"He never really hit a big bonanza."
The biggest bonanza may be from the sale of videos.
It'll be the biggest bonanza in human history.