The film then noticed one of the biggest box-office hits in Southeast Asia at the time, holding today as Khmer Classic films for decades.
The film became one of the decade's biggest box-office hits in Denmark.
The smart money, most theater insiders say, is on "Wicked," which has emerged as the season's biggest new box-office hit despite mixed reviews.
After all, drama in which the antagonists were mere automatons would hardly be big box-office.
Or maybe it was a more mercenary decision, the recognition that Vietnam was now big box-office.
That film became a sleeper hit in the summer of 2000 becoming one of Iceland's biggest box-office hits that year.
The movie later turned out to be a big box-office hit that started the western genre in Philippine cinema.
The film made based on the rock-opera was one of the biggest box-office hits in 1980.
The film was one of the biggest box-office hits in Thailand at the time.
Just over a year ago, a little movie called "Dirty Dancing" turned into a big box-office hit as it caught the romantic fancy of teen-agers.