For the big national broadcasters, the issues in the bill that concern them have all been settled to their satisfaction.
Not bad, when newspaper stocks are down about 10 percent and the big broadcasters are mixed.
Virtual sets are particularly useful for small broadcasters with limited budgets who want to look like big broadcasters with deep pockets.
And instead of seeing low-power stations as a threat, big broadcasters could learn to treat them the way major recording companies treat independent labels.
If the big broadcasters are really giving the people what they want, they have nothing to fear.
(He was a big broadcaster, too, which was why I could pick up so much of his life.)
The proposals would allow some of the nation's biggest broadcasters to get bigger.
For the big broadcasters, outside pressures to tilt their coverage has not diminished.
The Kirch Group is the biggest commercial broadcaster in Germany.
The reach of network television erodes nearly every year, so Thursday's full menu of popular choices spread among the big four broadcasters was a rarity.