The small home builder has left the market; only the big builders are left.
China is currently the biggest builder of skyscrapers, the bank said.
But for most big builders, "they've come to the conclusion they're leaving some money on the table" if they do nothing.
Around the country, sales cancellations among big builders are running as high as 40 percent, double the rate a year ago.
"They're not big bottom-line builders," she said of her outside interests.
Few big American builders except Lindal have shown much interest.
While there is risk involved, most big builders have their sources within the industry for predicting major price swings.
A more optimistic note on house prices has been struck by big builders Wimpey.
Get a big builder in and they will probably do the job quicker, but for a higher price.
The big builders need to know, because they intend to build those places.