And what they will be trying to catch is just 70 very big carp dominated by a monster 36lb specimen.
If we had lost the four big carp, sport on the canal would have been ruined.
They hold barbel, the biggest carp, smallish black bass, and rainbow trout - introduced in 1977 and still protected.
In this area, flathead catfish, bass, walleye, big carp.
I have noticed, too, that a lake with sand, or part sand, bottom, nearly always grows big carp.
The north, due to fewer hours of less warm sunshine, and more severe winters, does not have as many or as big carp as the south.
Also, unlike bream, big and small carp will feed in the same area at the same time.
"It wasn't the risk," I said, flicking my toes at a big black-and-white splotched carp.
The biggest carp caught in the contest so far weighed 12 pounds.