I found them engaged in pleasant converse with Mrs Crook, who was ladling punch from the big cauldron into a bowl.
What - we toss frog tongues, bat wings, and lizard eyes in a big cauldron, stew them up with some broccoli?
It starts with a big black cauldron bubbling with water and salt, in our case on the flagstone patio in back of the White Gull.
The interior of the big cauldron was filled almost to the top with jumbled, intermingled but still recognizable artifacts.
Mama Squirrel poured them back into the big cauldron by the fire.
"I think I'll fill up the big cauldron and heat some water," Idalia said as they walked back to the cabin that afternoon.
The qalia is prepared in a big cauldron called degh, it has a top layer of oil.
Bhai Dayala was put into a big cauldron full of water which was later heated to the boiling point.
She nodded towards the far end of the table and then turned her back on them, pouring the milk into two big cauldrons by the fire.
I filled a bucket of hot water from the big cauldron, and took the pewter plates outside to rinse clean.