There were four stone crabs in custody, one of which wielded the biggest claw I have ever seen - more than eight inches long.
A moment later a second big claw joined it.
A Talon is a big, sharp claw of an animal.
She tapped one, and almost had her paw caught by one of its big claws!
There, in front of her eye, she had seen a huge flat paw with big blunt claws.
With lots of legs and two bigger claws in front?
Groups of males surround an attractive female and wave their big claws at her in unison.
It also had lots of really sharp teeth, and big claws.
Their big claw has 4 or 5 small ridges on the upper part.
Their big claw has 7 ridges on the upper part and there is usually hair on the inside of both claws.