It was topped with big coils of razor wire.
They're charged again; the power went back into them from the big coil with only a five percent loss of power-about twenty thousand megawatts.
So, Callan tried making a bigger coil.
Today his plaited hair is in a big coil on his chest above the turtle-shell respirator.
A big gnarled-up coil of razor ribbon is pulled out of her way, just like that, and she glides through without slowing down.
It looked like a pneumatic feedline for the welding torch, a big coil of thin black plastic gas pipe.
He finds the big coil of aircraft cable where Totals said it would be, and pulls it onto his shoulder.
Under the tarpaulin lay a big coil of mine fuse.
I picked up a big coil of light rope lying beside a pile of flares.
The originally polychrome bust is usually thought to represent a woman wearing a very complex headdress and big coils on each side of the face.