The big military contractor said that despite the disruption, all the company's business had been completed.
Boeing is the one of the nation's biggest military contractors.
By the mid-1920s, the company was "one of the biggest contractors of its kind in the country."
Pratt & Whitney is the second big military contractor to become entangled in the case.
But I knew he was just trying to act like a big contractor.
General Dynamics, like other big military contractors, has made good on that philosophy.
In addition, many fledgling computer companies do not have the elaborate security precautions of the big military contractors.
The contract might wind up being worth $1 trillion, and that has all the big contractors grabbing chairs at the table.
But the Government has proved yet again that it is eager to assist big military contractors.
The big military contractors say the industry still hopes to find new lines of high-tech military work.