"This has been a big cover-up for years."
"This is a big cover-up," he said.
It goes to show you that there is a big cover-up, not only in the 46th Precinct, but all over the city.
I pried and lied my way into the confidence of key people to find the biggest cover-up in the 125,000-year history of our Confederacy.
"This is a big cover-up and a lynching," she complained.
He characterized the Republican convention as "the biggest cover-up since Watergate."
You're about to witness one of the biggest cover-ups in modern history, certainly among powerful sovereign nations.
If there is some bigger organizational cover-up, we shall find out soon enough.
For it was in 1946 that the big cover-ups and diversions of assets began.
It dawned on me a few days ago that there was no big cover-up at the White House, so I lost steam.