The biggest decrease was in Safeway, with short interest down 57 percent, to 9.98 million shares.
Officials said serious crime fell by 17.9 percent in the first six months of this year and called it the biggest decrease since 1990.
City health officials said it was the biggest decrease since 1978, when cases dropped by 19 percent.
Another problem is the sheer volume of material and the big decrease in Government financing.
Its population after 1982 saw big decreases until 2010 when it grew by less than 100 for the first time since 1950.
The biggest decrease is expected in Vietnamese immigrants, to 4.6 percent from 8.2 percent.
Sales plunged 62%, the biggest decrease in the top 200.
That will mean a big decrease in the amount of rowing we can do.
The biggest decrease has been in the number of farmers under the age of 35.
We have seen a big decrease in our costs since implementing the computer inventory system.