Too rich to need a big dowry too!
At the time of the marriage they have to give a big dowry, even if they are poor.
Fabrizio tells him that he wants to marry off Gasparina - and there will be a big dowry!
But she also had a big dowry.
Another daughter, however, will get a much bigger dowry, so Jakob engages in an intrigue whereby he gets the other sister to marry him.
No doubt her parents are very rich--he'd be the kind of man who'd look out for a big dowry.
Old Otik'll have to put up a big dowry to get her married off!
When he began hitting her for not providing a big enough dowry, she sought help.
Nor does Brutus need a girl with a big dowry, now that he's Caepio's heir.
And he has decided that his son Milton, a doctor who can't find patients, will marry only for money - a big dowry, that is.