But upon examination, it's a big dud.
So in the quarter just ended, the stock wound up as the Big Board's biggest dud, down a whopping 78 percent.
Yet another unpolished game that will possibly be a bigger dud than Medal Of Honor Multiplayer?
The only bigger duds Woods could recall having as guests were the mathematicians who'd come on to discuss chaos theory; their incomprehensible rambling had gotten him dizzy.
What was expected to be one of the day's most exciting games turned out to be one of the biggest duds.
But what Crossroads has come up with for the occasion is a big dud.
A great big dud.
The swing around that big dud was really something, of course, but the engine should have... or should it?
The biggest dud, though, was Bill Maher.
That was a big dud, even if it foreshadowed the handles on the PlayStation one!