I looked for run-together words and extra letters, but it was all a big glob of nothing to me.
"I might need some more," Anne told her mom, shoveling in a big glob.
They looked like big globs of cookie dough on a baking sheet.
The stuff just sticks together in one big glob.
She stuck one hand into it, scooped out a big glob, and began eating it.
There was a rubber band holding two parts together, and what might have been a big glob of Elmer's glue.
"It's just a big glob of sound, a murky thing with no defined edges."
If it's intelligent in this small amount, what's it like when a big glob of it gets together?
He began to dig like a dog, heaving big globs of mud down into the little space left in the bubble.
They lay their eggs in big globs that float along the surface.