Your big gob of meat product, some spongy bread stuff, ketchup, cheese.
The rain, which had been coming and going, began to pour down again, spattering in big gobs all over the glass around them.
We balled up big gobs of wire in the center of each room, working for over an hour.
There's a big gob of truth in every point Witcover makes.
My head's not right 'cause I got a bruise in there and a big gob of blood, too, he says.
This time I put really big, bloody gobs of worms on the hook.
That's what they look like - big gobs of blood, inside that steel exhibit box.
They just stood there, staring at what should have been Clay's boat but instead was a big, boatless gob of tropical air.
Instead, there's this big frozen gob of blood on the end of his arm, looking like a cherry ice pop.
Both 64 now, they first met at a birthday party when they were 3 and she hit him with a big gob of ice cream.